Many Ways to Give

Your Maestro Membership support enables Maestro to produce what some have called “the world’s finest chamber music experience.” These concerts are a benefit of membership and raise visibility and funds for the Instrument Lending Program. The ILP puts high quality instruments in the hands of gifted musicians otherwise unable to afford the necessary tools to realize their place as world class performers.


Direct Membership Contribution:

To make a tax-deductible membership contribution, download and print the membership form and send your check along with the form to the Maestro office. We’ll acknowledge receipt of your contribution and send you a 2024-2025 season brochure.

Download Membership Form

Matching Corporate Gifts:

Many employers match their employee and retiree donations to non-profit organizations. You can easily determine that by contacting your human resources department. In many cases, it is as simple as filling out a corporate matching gift form provided by your employer.


Stock Transfers:

To donate stock, please contact staff and let us know the name of the securities you intend to transfer and the number of shares or approximate dollar amount. We will put you in direct touch with Maestro’s broker who will provide the information you need for the transfer. Upon receipt of the shares, Maestro’s broker will liquidate the shares in the most cost effective manner.


Donate an Instrument:

The Maestro Foundation accepts donations of string instruments and bows suitable for advanced students on a professional track. To donate, please contact J. Aaron Sanders, Instrument Lending Program Director at Donors will receive an acknowledgement letter including Maestro’s non-profit Tax ID number. Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. For more information, please visit ‘Publication 561 Determining the Value of Donated Property.”


Memorial Tributes:

Some choose to honor the memory of friends or loved ones that shared a passion for classical music with memorial gifts to The Maestro Foundation. A personalized note can be sent in your name to the honoree or family member acknowledging the gift to Maestro.



A gift through your will or revocable trust is a meaningful way to contribute to the future of gifted musicians and the future of chamber music. A bequest costs nothing in your lifetime and is exempt from federal estate tax. A sample clause to share with your attorney is:

I give to The Maestro Foundation, a California not-for-profit corporation whose address is 3025 Olympic Avenue, Santa Monica, CA 90404, Tax ID #95-3894013, (the sum of $______) or (______% of the residue of my estate) for its general purposes.

No matter how you choose to give, you can be certain that the funds will be well and carefully used. Your donation to the Maestro Foundation nurtures generations of classical musicians and ensures the longevity of the artform.

If you have any questions regarding membership or seek additional information about programs and activities, please email us at or call us at 310.453.2536.

Become a Maestro Member